Kevin Qualls Family Law
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Child custody issues can be emotional, but help is available

It is only natural that most parents in California want to spend as much time as possible with their child. This is what makes child custody issues in a divorce so emotional. Parents have to come to the realization that the time they have with their child may have significantly changed. Consequentially, they must also realize that, when their child is with the other parent, they lose some level of control over their child's life. The legal professionals at Kevin Qualls Family Law understand that this makes establishing a child custody plan that meets the needs of the parents and moreover protects the best interests of the child very challenging.

Many times, it is important that a child custody plan provides the child with the ability to maintain a meaningful relationship with each parent. It is important to consider whether joint physical custody is a possibility, given each parent's work hours and their ability to communicate with each other in a positive and productive manner, among other factors.

It is also common for parents to be awarded joint legal custody. This means the parents are both equally allowed to make major life decisions on behalf of the child. For example, decisions relating to the child's schooling, medical needs and what religion the child will practice.

Family lawyer Kevin Qualls is experienced in the legal matters surrounding child custody cases. Whether it is drafting an initial child custody order or seeking the enforcement or modification of an existing order, he works to provide his clients with the advice they need to make appropriate decisions and pursue fair outcomes. The following child custody overview may be a good starting point for parents in California who are seeking a divorce.

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Kevin Qualls Family Law
625 The City Drive South
Suite 470
Orange, CA 92868
Toll Free: 800-783-1934
Fax: 714-750-5983
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