Kevin Qualls Family Law
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Infidelity may have been a factor in music star's divorce

Residents of Orange County may know first-hand that there are many factors that can lead to divorce. Those who have been following the messy divorce between music stars Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, may be aware that in a recent interview with radio host Elvis Duran, Stefani eludes that Rossdale's infidelity ultimately led to the couple's divorce.

Rumors had been speculating that Gavin Rossdale, lead singer of the rock band Bush, had an affair with the couple's nanny. The couple had been together for 13 years previously. Stefani achieved fame early in her career as lead singer for the band No Doubt. She now serves as judge on the hit music reality show "The Voice."

She has since moved on from Rossdale, after admitting a time when she suffered major writer's block and simply wanted to stay in bed and cry. Today, she is dating fellow judge Blake Shelton, and recently released a hit song, "I Used to Love You," clearly inspired by the couple's divorce.

Both Stefani and Rossdale achieved world-wide success with their original rock bands, and likely have accumulated significant wealth due to their successes. If they failed to sign a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, their separation may have led to a complex divorce, involving complicated property division with their high assets including property from before and during the marriage needed to be split fairly. When involved in a high asset divorce, it may be wise to hire representation familiar with family law to help you protect your assets and to make certain the divorce is handled fairly.

Source: The Huffington Post, "Gwen Stefani All But Outright Confirms Reports That Gavin Rossdale Cheated," Stephanie Marcus, Dec. 3, 2015

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