If you are in the process of a divorce and there is a child or children from the marriage, you inevitably will have to make a decision regarding the child's custody. This is not an easy decision, and it is often not agreed upon by both parties, which means it could go to court for the decision.
Courts always stress maintaining the best interests of the child, and the decision ultimately will be made to follow that rule. The court will look at various aspects of the parents and child's life including who does the primary care and nurturing of the child and who spends more time with the child. Depending on the child's age, the court may even ask the child for his or her opinion on who is best suited to take care of the child.
It is important to have a strong team behind you when venturing into court and trying to prove yourself worthy of child custody. With twenty five years of experience, the team at Kevin Qualls Family Law is here to help. Our small and personal team of professionals serves clients in and around Orange County, California. We offer a free half hour consultation to all our clients to determine how we can help you and the best method on how to proceed to win your case.
Child custody and visitation is a very important decision to be made for the wellbeing and future of the child, and many factors are taken into consideration when making this decision.
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