Kevin Qualls Family Law
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How is child support modification requested in California?

In California and in the entire United States, divorce is often very difficult for the children. They typically feel insecure as a result of one parent moving out of the home. The child may also be concerned about where that child will live and who will pay for all of that child's expenses. Hence, in the best interest of the child, courts in the United States, including those in California, typically grant the custody of the child to one parent and order the other parent to pay child support.

Child support payments may be modified. Either parent can make an appeal for child support modification. The child support agency may also ask for a child support modification. In order to make a request for a child support modification to the child support agency, there must be an open case. However, the case can be opened at any time. The child support order may be modified to increase the payments or to decrease the payments, based on the information that was gathered by the court.

The parent needs to address child support modification in the following manner. First, the parent must contact the local agency. The parent may also visit the California court independently. There is a family law facilitator in court. That individual is not a part of the child support agency. The facilitator can help with the child support modification process. The parent may also hire a private attorney to accompany the parent to court.

There are certain circumstances under which a parent can ask for child support modification. If the non-custodial parent has become unemployed, that parent can ask for modification. If the non-custodial parent has an additional job, the custodial parent may ask for an increase in the child support as well.

Source:, "Changing Your Child Support Amount," Accessed on Aug.18, 2015

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