Kevin Qualls Family Law
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Relocation can pose a problem in child custody cases

Parents who are separated or divorced often fight to retain custody of their minor children. In many cases, the parent who has been awarded custody by the state might have to travel to other parts of the state or country for work or may need to relocate after remarrying. Child custody agreements often need to be modified to incorporate the custodial parent's relocation plan in the event that the person wishes to move with the minor child.

The attorneys at Kevin Qualls Family Law have worked on many cases where the non-custodial parent opposed the custodial parent's proposed move out of the state with the child. With the help of experienced family law lawyers, many non-custodial parents establish a case in which they oppose the relocation. That can cause the court to rescind the existing child custody agreement and award custody of the child to the other parent if it is in the best interest of the child.

In order to establish the best interest of the minor child, the court will look at the various aspects of the proposed relocation. The court often looks into the relocation in its entirety and the judge will need to determine if the relocation will benefit the child. It will also determine if the relocation will help to maintain the child's continual contact with the non-custodial parent. If the judge feels that the custodial parent has decided to relocate to hurt the other parent, thus, alienating the non-custodial parent from the child, the relocation may violate the existing child custody agreement.

Child custody, visitation rights and parental relocation issues are often complicated. As a result, it may help the parent to resolve such issues with the help of a knowledgeable attorney who can thoroughly explain California's family laws. If people want to learn more, they may visit our webpage about child custody and visitation rights.

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